Wednesday, September 19, 2007

blog name

where you were and what you were wearing... it's the only way I remember events. I remember people by their clothes and from there I figure out where I was and what I was doing. Every time I go to describe an event to someone what people were wearing always comes in first. Therefore, if this is a blog about my life or life in general (because fashion is important to our society) then I figure the first couple entries should allow you into my mind, into the way I think. That way, when every entry starts off by what someone is wearing, you won't be completely thrown off...


Cody Kucker said...

Interesting way to look at things

Taryn said...

That's really funny because I tend to do the same thing. Try and remember events and people by what you were wearing and what they were wearing. It's really amazing how that actually does help to remember things.

Jessica said...

Good way to remember things. As for someone who can remember a date with no problem, but can't exactly tell you what exactly happened.

rpeire02 said...

Half the time I can't even remember what I wear to any event.